Oberlin Then and Now: Thompson Cottage

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Historic photo of Thompson Cottage  Present day view of Keep Cottage parking lot

Then: 160 N. Main Street, 1875, Now: Keep Cottage parking lot


The property at 160 North Main Street, privately owned, was purchased by the College in 1913 and equipped as a house of residence for women. From 1913 to 1934 it was known as Keep Annex, furnishing rooming accommodations for sixteen women, who boarded at Keep Cottage. In 1934 the name of the house was changed to Thompson Cottage, in honor of Mrs. Theodore J. Keep, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Thompson. [Thompson Cottage was last used as a dormitory in 1948-49. After that it was transferred as rental property of the College and was used by faculty.]

Source: From the 1936 Alumni Catalogue and a set of building cards created by the College Secretary's office, both located at the Oberlin College Archives 

Photo courtesy of Oberlin College Archives