What kinds of history interest you? What historic resources or workshops would be useful to you? What roles can OHC play in making Oberlin a better community? Please join others at one of three public forums to share ideas for OHC’s next strategic plan. We want to hear how the organization is (or is not) serving you, what else we should try, and what we can do better. All are welcome and encouraged to attend - OHC members and non-members, youth and adults, long-time supporters and first-time participants, Oberlinians and regional residents. Each forum will last approximately 60-75 minutes and involve easy, open questions and conversation. Refreshments will be provided and attendees will be eligible for an Oberlin gift certificate. Please register for your selected date at bit.ly/3GwyZyw or by calling our office at 440-774-1700.
Available forum dates:
The forums will be facilitated by the Center for Community Solutions. If you are not able to attend but would like to share your thoughts or speak to an OHC strategic planning member, please email [email protected] or call 440-774-1700. Later this month we will also be mailing a survey to a sample of area residents and sharing the same survey online so that everyone can provide feedback.