Did your New Year's resolution include volunteering and service to the community? The Oberlin Heritage Center needs volunteers to help with its ongoing oral history project. Community volunteers began the Oberlin Oral History Project in the 1980s to preserve the memories of various residents, some of whom even remembered New Year's Eve 1900! Volunteer work continued through the years, and the project, now coordinated by the Heritage Center, presently includes interviews of more than 150 individuals. Stories from 52 Oberlin women in this group were woven together in a well-received, oral history based book, Bonnets to Boardrooms: Women's Stories from a Historic College Town, published just last year by the Heritage Center.
If you would like to learn more about being an Oral History volunteer, or serving on the OHC Oral History Committee, plan to join current volunteers and newcomers for an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 21 at 4:30 p.m. at the Heritage Center's Monroe House (73½ South Professor Street, behind the Oberlin Post Office). OHC staff member, Liz Schultz, will review the current state of the project, talk about volunteer roles and how new members can help, and discuss projects which might be considered for the future. Interested volunteers should RSVP to Schultz by January 19 ([email protected]).