You can make a lasting statement and support the work of the Oberlin Heritage Center forever through a contribution. Many individuals have chosen to make a gift by including the following language in their will or trust:
I give, devise and bequeath to the Oberlin Heritage Center/O.H.I.O., a non-profit educational and charitable organization whose mailing address is Oberlin Heritage Center, P.O. Box 0455, Oberlin, Ohio 44074, _____ percent of my estate (or, the sum of $_____; or , _____ percent of the residue of my estate) to support the Oberlin Heritage Center's Endowment for Heritage Preservation Fund (or the Oberlin Heritage Center's Annual Fund, or for a special project of the donor's choosing).
To learn more about planned gifts contact Liz Schultz, Executive Director, at P.O. Box 455, Oberlin, Ohio 44074 or (440) 774-1700 or email d[email protected].