April 24 - Visit with Antoinette Brown Blackwell Program

April 24 (Wednesday, 7:15 p.m.) A Visit with Antoinette Brown Blackwell. Oberlin native Beth Marshall portrays Antoinette Brown Blackwell (1825-1921), the first woman to be ordained a minister of a recognized denomination in the United States. Blackwell studied theology at Oberlin College and, with her friend and future sister-in-law, Lucy Stone, she organized the first debating society for college women. Blackwell became a Congregationalist minister, and later, a Unitarian minister. Ms. Marshall, ordained a Unitarian minister in 2003, presently is the senior pastor at First Unitarian Church in Toledo. Location: Kendal at Oberlin's Heiser Auditorium.


Press Release - Antoinette Brown Blackwell program