Jun 19 - Juneteenth: Oberlin Community Event

Juneteenth Oberlin - 2021: “African Americans: The Struggle, The Fight for Freedom, And Still Yet Invisible”


The Juneteenth Oberlin Executive Board is ​proud to present this year’s annual Juneteenth Celebration Festival, “African Americans: The Struggle, The Fight for Freedom, And Still Yet Invisible” ​on Saturday, June 19, 2021, from 9am to 6 pm

This Juneteenth—originally June 19, 1865—is considered the date when the last enslaved people in America were freed. Although the rumors of freedom were widespread prior to this, actual emancipation did not come in Texas until June 19th, two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Juneteenth symbolizes the end of slavery and the beginning of freedom. While its roots are in Texas, Juneteenth has become a day to celebrate freedom all over the United States. Oberlin’s history of commitment to abolition and the cause of freedom make the community uniquely qualified to celebrate Juneteenth.          

For more event details, visit https://juneteenthoberlin2.wixsite.com/oberlin