POSTPONED: Lynds Jones: The Birdman of Oberlin
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and changes to research material accessibility, this program originally planned for January 25 is postponed to a future date TBD.
Join Oberlin’s Diana Steele, an avid birder and the Northeast Regional Director at the Ohio Ornithological Society, as she explores the life and times of Lynds Jones (1865-1951). Jones, who graduated from Oberlin College in 1892, began teaching ornithology at his alma mater — the first course of its kind ever offered at an American college or university. Not only was he a professor at Oberlin for nearly four decades, Jones also had a tremendous impact on the fields of ornithology and recreational birding. He founded both an ornithological society (The Wilson Ornithological Society, 1888) and a journal (now the Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 1889) that remain active today. Jones is also responsible for many of the common practices that recreational birders take for granted as “standard practice” in the field, more than a century later.
Steele will present this virtual program via Zoom. The program is free, but pre-registration is required.