Apr 5 - OHC Annual Meeting and Community Awards

April 5 (Wednesday, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)

All are welcome to join us for an evening of history and fellowship. Joseph Sober, President of Mercy Allen Hospital, is the keynote speaker, offering comments on the history and future of Oberlin's community hospital.  Dr. W. Jeanne McKibben, OHC honorary trustee, also will display materials and videos from her chronicling of the medical history of Oberlin. The 16th Annual OHC Community Awards will be presented. 

5:00 PM - Doors Open / Social Hour
6:00 PM - Dinner
7:00 PM - Program / Announcements / Community Awards

Registration forms with further details were mailed to OHC members in mid-February.

3/31 - Online registration is closed. Please call OHC at 440-774-1700 if you are interested in signing up. 

A portion of the registration fee will be for a raffle ticket as a part of the evening's events. Funds raised through raffle ticket sales (whether through Annual Meeting registration or the purchase of additional tickets at the event) support the Oberlin Heritage Center's Endowment.

Location: The Hotel at Oberlin.



2017 OHC Community Award Brochure

Registration Form

Press Release


Post Event Press Release