Oberlin Then and Now: Root House

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Historic photo of Root House  Present day view of Barnard Dorm

Then: 150 N. Professor Street, 1883, Now: Barnard Dorm, 1968, Moore & Hutchins


The former residence of Professor Azariah S. Root at 150 North Professor Street was purchased by the College in 1929 and was remodeled in 1930 to serve as a house of residence for College men. It accommodates eleven persons. [Root House was remodeled into apartments for married students in 1945-46 and into faculty offices in 1957-58. It was demolished in 1962-63.]

Source: From the 1936 Alumni Catalogue and a set of building cards created by the College Secretary's office, both located at the Oberlin College Archives

Photo courtesy of Oberlin College Archives