Oberlin Then and Now: Old Laboratory

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Historic photo of Old Laboratory  Present day view of Conservatory of Music

Then: Old Laboratory, 1838, Now: Conservatory of Music, 1964, Minoru Yamasaki


The Old Laboratory, located south of Colonial Hall, was built in 1838 according to plans obtained by Dr. Dascomb when a student at Dartmouth and Yale. It was a one-story brick building, 30 by 50 feet. It contained a laboratory, a lecture room, and a private work-room for Professor Dascomb. Dr. Dascomb continued to use this building for nearly forty years. In 1868 the building was remodeled, the seats were lowered, and the lecture room was used later as a general recitation room. It was torn down in 1883, to provide a site for Sturges Hall.

Source: From the 1936 Alumni Catalogue and a set of building cards created by the College Secretary's office, both located at the Oberlin College Archives

Photo courtesy of Oberlin College Archives