Oberlin Then and Now: Cranford Dorm

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Historic photo of Cranford Dorm  Present day view of College Park Manor back apartments

Then: 163 E. College Street, 1860, Now: College Park Manor back apartments, 1977, Keeva & Kekst


Cranford was purchased by the College for use as a women’s dormitory and dining hall for men and women in 1946 from Mrs. Bertha Pope Cairns (Mrs. William D. Cairns). The lot had a frontage of 100 feet on the south side of East College Street, running back to Plum Creek to a depth of 535.32 feet t 599.7 feet. In addition to the large frame house used as a women’s dormitory, there was a garage with storage facilities on the second floor. Cranford had been privately operated by Mrs. Cairns, or by those employed by her, prior to purchase by the College. At the time of purchase it housed 43 women and provided board for 82 men and women.


Source: From the 1936 Alumni Catalogue and a set of building cards created by the College Secretary's office, both located at the Oberlin College Archives


Photo courtesy of Oberlin Heritage Center