Feb 17 - Civil War Courtship Letters

February 17 (Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.) Rules of Engagement: Civil War Courtship Letters and the ‘Homefront Imaginary.' Oberlin College Professor of History Carol Lasser draws on the correspondence of Oberlinians Giles Waldo Shurtleff and Mary E. Burton, as well as that of Elliott Grabill and Anna Jenney, and looks at the ways in which these soldiers turned to women on the homefront for emotional support and relationships beyond the battlefield to sustain them during the conflict. Mary and Anna responded, and eventually out of the correspondence came two long and successful marriages. This program is co-sponsored with the Oberlin College Archives and the Oberlin College Department of History. Location: Moffett Auditorium in Oberlin College's Mudd Library.


Press Release - Rules of Engagement