June 5 (Tuesday, 7:15 p.m.) - The Quilt as Story Teller. Textiles can tell a story of their time by fiber type, dye method and printed or woven pattern. Quilts can add to the story through design details, both regional and personal, and the crafter's construction techniques and level of skill with a needle. And when the name of the maker is known - and some family genealogy, associated places, and especially pictures can be added - the quilt goes beyond being simply a voice to being a whole conversation! The quilt becomes the vehicle for keeping a family story going for generations into the future. Prue Richards, the Oberlin Heritage Center's Collections Assistant, will share examples of quilts from the OHC Collections and stories. We hope they will inspire attendees to hurry home and put together the voices and faces of Great Grandma's Blazing Star quilt or Aunt Hattie's amazing embroidered table cloth for future generations of their own.
Location: Kendal at Oberlin's Heiser Auditorium.
Please note this program, the special Oberlin Heritage Center "Quilt as Storyteller" guided tours, and the workshop on "Textile Care and Preservation in Your Own Home" described below are part of a series of quilt-related activities taking place all over town. All are in conjunction with FAVA's fifteenth biennial juried Artist as Quiltmaker exhibition at the New Union Center from May 13 to July 29. See www.favagallery.org.