April 2-5 (Monday and Tuesday or Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. or sign up for both two-day sessions) Spring Break Camp Week 1. Some area schools have break this week, while others have it the next, so the Oberlin Heritage Center is hosting camps each week. Camps are for boys and girls ages 8-12 years old. Fee: $45 per camp; $40 for children/grandchildren of Oberlin Heritage Center members. Register by March 17 to receive an additional $3 per camp discount. Maximum enrollment is 17 children per camp. Location: Oberlin Depot.
April 2-3 Legends, Tales, and History Camp. Kids will explore classic legends and fairy tales
and learn a bit of history along the way. From cobblers, to spinning wheels, to magical
lamps, we'll have fun with old stories.
April 4-5 Innovations and Technology of the Civil War Era Camp. Campers will investigate the workings of iron-clad ships, the telegraph, camp cookery, and more through hands-on activities.
April 10-13 (Tuesday and Wednesday or Thursday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Spring Break Camp Week 2. Kids who were not able to attend last week can come this week! See details in April 2-5 listing.
April 10-11 Legends, Tales, and History Camp (repeat)
April 12-13 Innovations and Technology of the Civil War Era Camp (repeat)
To register, download the flyer below or register online.