August 8-12 Kids and World Cultures Day Camp

2011 Children's Summer Camps

This camp is now closed.

This summer, the Oberlin Heritage Center is offering a variety of camps for boys and girls ages 8 to 17. The programs are designed to stimulate children's creativity and to whet their appetites for history, architecture, art, crafts, games, and the tastes and sounds of other cultures and other times.

Kids and World Cultures August 8-12 (Mon-Fri, 9:30am to 4:00pm)
Hola! Ni Hao! Merhaba! This is how kids from all over the world say "Hello!" Join us for the excitement as we hop from country to country and continent to continent and explore all the fascinating and diverse cultures and peoples that we encounter along the way. This is one globetrotting mission that you definitely won't want to miss out on! Sample the tastes and join in making the sounds and music of many exciting cultures from around the world! (Ages 8-13)


Summer Camp Information Flyer and Registration Form